Adventure Cat Meets Deere






About cweenmj

Nom, Play, LOL ;-)
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5 Responses to Adventure Cat Meets Deere

  1. poussinboi says:

    Bud un-buried THAT 😯 ?
    * What a deere *

  2. says:

    Adventure Cat is having quite the Adventure in W Memphis. Hope you all are!

  3. OnleeKitteh says:

    Budreaux izza narcheologist?

  4. Onions & Petunias says:

    I hope he’s not planning on dribing dat unless/until he gets his hebby equipment operador lissence! (Pictures Bud sneaking out at night and hotwiring the Deere.)

  5. villow says:

    😯 what a brave cat he is! “pfft, it’s nothing…” lol

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